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Hello ! j’ai besoin d’aide en anglais, je dois écrire en anglais ”Un Thanksgiving qui tourne mal” (max 10 lignes)
merci d’avance !!​

Sagot :

20th of November, the thanksgiving day, I was so exited to go to my cousin's house for thanksgiving, each year we'd go to her house, have some delicious food, then go out and watch a movie. Going normally to our cousin's house, our car broke down in the middle of the street, we fixed it, but it took us an hour  to get it done. Finally arrived to her house, we saw the delicious food on the table waiting for us, we sat on the table and were ready to dig in. But then suddenly smokey, my cousin's cat jumped on the table and ruined all the food that Sophia (her cousin) has made for us. We cleaned up the disaster that the cat has made, and decided to go and eat out! we went to every possible restaurant in town, but each and one of them were closed. we said "okay then we'll just go to the movies" but our luck wasn't with us today, bc the movies were closed too.

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