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En 100 mots:

Les selfies sont-ils seulement une expression du narcissism ou peuvent-ils aussi être une forme d'art ?​

Sagot :

Bonjour j’espère que ça t’aidera

Réponse :
Taking a selfie is a way of representing yourself, and of presenting yourself in the eyes of others. But above all, it is to stage a contextualized self-image in time and space. By being shared, the selfie is in fact opposed to any purely narcissistic will. Every day, millions of selfies are taken and posted on social media. However, I don't think taking a photo of yourself should be considered art. A selfie is not an art form as it is nothing more than a photo of yourself which is normally straightforward. I believe that people are beautiful and the human body can be an art form, but it depends on how it is presented. For example, a selfie of a person whose face is painted can be considered art. So selfies are purely narcissistic.