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Bonjour j'ai une tache finale a rendre qui doit durer grand max 2 min, est ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider, merci d'avance!!
Your task : EOC - You find yourself lost on a desert island. Record a vocal diary of the things you have seen and done and how you feel. (2 min maximum) 1) Explain the situation: Ø what happened? - when? - where? - how long have you been stranded on the island? 2) Tell your experience: the things you have seen and the things you have done

Sagot :

1) explain the situation: I was on a boat when there was a storm. I woke up a few days later on a desert island. we were in the middle of the pacific, going to New york in august. I think i’ve been on this island for a week now.
2) tell your experience: when i woke up, i searched for someone who were on the boat with me, but after one day, i realized i was alone. I built a hut and i tried to find some food and water. Fortunately, there was a lot of fruits and potable water here. I tried to do a lot of things, cause i was scared to become crazy.
Voilà, j’espère que c’est pas trop tard !!
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