simplifie la recherche de solutions à toutes vos questions grâce à une communauté active et experte. Explorez des milliers de questions et réponses fournies par une large gamme d'experts dans divers domaines sur notre plateforme de questions-réponses. Connectez-vous avec une communauté d'experts prêts à vous aider à trouver des solutions précises à vos interrogations de manière rapide et efficace.

Bonjouuuurrr, es ce que vous pourriez corriger les fautes de cohérance dans ces phrases que mon prof d'anglais a repéré et pourquoi les améliorer sans pour autant changer leur sens svp, je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide si précieuse!
I fake to sleep, right at the start so as not to take part in to it
I kill the hosts to be leisurely
I try to advance in my book on the culture of the country where I am
You have fulfilled all the criteria that assure us that you will be a good WOOFER
You just have to buy your plane ticket and pack your suitcase for maybe the trip of your life!
We think that Woofing isn’t made for you but don’t worry I’m sure that there are so many other things where you will be perfect

Sagot :


C’est :

I fake to sleep, right at the start so as not to take part in to it

I kill the hosts to be leisurely

I try to advance in my book on the culture of the country where I am

You have fulfilled all the criteria that assure us that you will be a good WOOFER

You just have to buy your plane ticket and pack your suitcase for maybe the trip of your life!

We think that Woofing isn't made for you but don't worry I'm sure that there are so many other things where you will be perfect.

En espérant que ça t’aide

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