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Recopie les verbes entre parenthèse du texte suivant en les mettant au preterit :

The first scene (takes place) at night, on Christmas eve 1914. It (is snowing). The British soldiers (are waiting) in the trenches when suddenly they (hear) the Germans sing, they're (singing) a Christmas carol. The British (are) surprised but soon they (start) singing too. At dawn everything (is) silent it'(s freezing) and some soldiers (can't) sleep. Suddenly a British soldier (gets out) of the trench, hands up because he (doesn't want) the Germans to shoot. Then he (walks) slowly towards the other camp and the other soldiers (get out) of the trenches too and (meet) their enemies. They (speak), (shake) hands, (show) photos of their families, (play) football and (exchange) little gifts such as biscuits or chocolate. It (is) a truce but as soon as they (hear) the sound of canons, they come back to the trenches and fight again.​

Sagot :


The first scene took place at night, on Christmas eve 1914. It was snowing. The British soldiers were waiting in the trenches when suddenly they heard the Germans sing, they were singing a Christmas carol. The British were surprised but soon they started singing too. At dawn everything was silent it was freezing and some soldiers couldn't sleep. Suddenly a British soldier got out of the trench, hands up because he didn't want the Germans to shoot. Then he walked slowly towards the other camp and the other soldiers got out of the trenches too and met their enemies. They spoke, shook hands, showed photos of their families, played football and exchanged little gifts such as biscuits or chocolate. It was a truce but as soon as they heard the sound of canons, they come back to the trenches and fight again.

took, was snowing, were waiting, heard, were singing, were, started, was, was freezing, couldn’t, got out, didn’t want, walked, got out, met, spoke, shook, showed, played, exchanged, heard
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