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New York has a population et of 8,5 million. It is duided C into 5 boroughs. The most famous are Manhattan, Brooklyn Queens. New York is a very visited city so millions tourist visit irevery day. It is located in the North East of the United States. New York is bordered by the atlantic Ocean. The most visited monuments are the Statue of liberty, The Empire State Building and Central Park.​

Sagot :


New York is the most populous city in the United . With a population of 8,804,190 It is composed of 5 boroughs. The popular ones are Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens. New York is one of the most visited cities. Everyday a thousand and million tourists come to visit it. It is located in the North East of the United States. New York is bordered by Canada and Lake Ontario in the north. The most visited monuments are the Statue of liberty, the Empire State Building and the Central Park.


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