At the beginning of the story, Harry Potter just a baby. His parents dead and Prof Dumbledore leaves him on the Dursleys’ doorstep. Petunia is Harry’s , she is Harry’s mother’s . She is married to Vernon Dursley, a , man. They a son, Dudley. Harry and Dudley very different : Harry is than Dudley and Dudley is than Harry. The Dursleys are very to Harry.
When he 11 years old. Harry a . But Vernon ’ Harry to read it. But Harry that he is a when Hagrid, an half-giant in person to take him to Hogwarts, a school for wizards.
They go shopping in London, on Diagon Alley and Harry discovers all the possibilities of magic.
Wizard among Muggles (non magic people), they their magic a secret. On Diagon Alley, they their school supplies : robes, wands, books, animals, etc. They to normal shops. They their money in a special bank, Gringotts, where Harry discovers that he is than he could imagine.
In the evening, Hagrid and Harry ’ to the train station. Harry is lost but the Weasleys him to platform 9. The Weasleys are wizard family. On the train Harry with Ron, a new pupil like him. They a girl, Hermione Granger.
Là j’abrège les phrases pcq c’est long
Harry Potter is a book.
Harry is an orphan, he hasn’t got any parents.
But he has got a family.
He lives with his uncle.
He doesn’t share a room.
He sleeps in a cupboard.
They are very mean to him.
They don’t like him because they know he is a wizard.
One day, a letter arrives.
Uncle Vernon doesn’t want to give it to him.
But owls bring more and more letters.
Les images :
1. Stairs
2. Wizard
3. Orphan
4. Cupboard
5. Owl
6. Je vois pas bien la dernière image mais je suppose que c’est mean