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Bonjours, pouvez vous m'aidez a décrire cet image en anglais svp
Merci d'avance
PS : l'image est en pièce jointe

Bonjours Pouvez Vous Maidez A Décrire Cet Image En Anglais Svp Merci Davance PS Limage Est En Pièce Jointe class=

Sagot :

I can see in the background, people are in canoes in a lake. In the foreground, other people are cycling in a passage right by the lake. they have all the sight! it seems there is the same tree than the one next to Mount Fuji :0

In this image, in the foreground we can clearly see some people cycling across a cycle lane. They are just under a nice flowery tree. It is actually making them some shade. In the background, we can see a big lake with people canoodling in it.
In the left of the image, we can see the stem of the tree and it continues on the top of the image. On the top of it, we can see the flowers of the tree witch are covering the hole top image.
On the left hand side, we can see the cycle lane continuing on the left. We can also see a dome. On the bottom, we can see grass.

Bonne chance