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vous pouvez m'aider pour mes exercices d’anglais

exercices 1:What are you interestedin ? look at the information below and use the structure "to be interested in+bv".

b) he- to watch movies
c) she- to learn new things
d) they- to play soccer
e) you- to listen to music
f) I- to write

exercices 2:what are you interested in ? look at the information below and use the structure "to be interested in + noun".

b) he- movies
c) she- maths
d) they- fashion
e) you- music
f) I- sports

Sagot :

exercice 1 :
he is interested in watching movies
she is interested in learning new things
they are interested in playing soccer
you are interested in listening to music
i am interested in writing

exercice 2 :
he is interested in movies
she is interested in maths
they are interested in fashion
you are interested in music
i am interested in sports
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