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bonjour je dois créer une histoire avec sa la on commence par Peregrin was alone. He was in the dark next to a small house . He coule hear... et finir par Together, they felt strong and ran out of the house as fast as possible niveau 3eme​

Bonjour Je Dois Créer Une Histoire Avec Sa La On Commence Par Peregrin Was Alone He Was In The Dark Next To A Small House He Coule Hear Et Finir Par Together Th class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

1 a

He saw a big wolf who was barking behind him all the way long and a ghost lady

1 b

The floor was crackling and the wind was so violent that it was breaking the glass of the windows

1 c

He met a ghost lady who was wearing a long dirty wedding dress

2 d

He tryed to call the police twice but it wasn't working

2 e

He felt terrified, horrified, he was shaking and crying.

Explications :
