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Introduction :
Impressions soleil levant
Impression, rising sun" is a work of art created by the artist Claude Monet on November 13, 1873 it is a painting and Claude Monet used the technique known as oil on canvas to paint it it was painted in Le Havre its dimensions are 46*63 centimeters it is part of the impressionism movement the owner of the work of art is the Marmottan Monet museum in Paris
claude monet painted this canvas early in the morning in a single session during his stay in le havre, le havre which is his childhood town he chose one of his favorite themes
He chose one of his favorite themes, a port symbol of the industrial revolution of the 19 th century and inspired by the "seascapes
sunrise and sunset" of the works of art painted by Eugene Delacroix, Eugene Boudin, Johan Barthold Jongkind or William Turner
The artist who painted it, Claude Monet was born on November 14, 1840
And died on December 5, 1926 (at 86 years) he followed the movement of impressionism
The movement impressionism that the movement of this work of art this work of art is very special because it is the mother of the movement it is when claude monet painted this work of art that it was born
Impressionism is a movement born from the association of artists of the second half of the 19th century living in France.
At first criticized, this movement manifested itself from 1874 to 1886 by public exhibitions in Paris, and marked the breakthrough of modern art.
This movement is mainly characterized by small format paintings, visible brush strokes, open composition, the use of unusual angles of view, a tendency to note fleeting impressions, the mobility of climatic and luminous phenomena, rather than the stable aspect of things, and to transfer them directly onto the canvas.
In conclusion, Impressionist painting remains the most impressive era of modern art and one of the most beloved by the public,
With record sales of which some works so well known and recognized by the general public are engraved in our artistic conscience
And it is the sun "Impression, Sunrise" that is the origin of this criticism.
Although in its early days impressionist art was rejected by the art community
The artists persevered and succeeded in conveying their emotions and imposing their own style despite the failure at the beginning. One must always persevere to reach one's objective or goal.
on a personal level: if I chose the theme of impressionism it's because this theme appealed to me if this movement was very criticized at the beginning then it became loved by the public it resembled and made me think a lot of rap criticized at the beginning then appreciated today