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+ o Use a comparative form to complete the following sentences: a/ English Breakfast tea is (strong +) green tea. b/ Birmingham is (- sunny) Brighton. c/ Cricket is (= popular) rugby. d/ Londoners are ( + patient) other people. e/ British people are usually 1 + punctual) than French people. f/ British are ( = funny) French. g/ The British accent is ( + snobby) th American accent. merci

Sagot :



Réponse :

a/ English Breakfast tea is (strong +) green tea.

"strong" adjectif court

comparatif de supériorité : adjectif-er than

English Breakfast is stronger than green tea?

b/ Birmingham is (- sunny) Brighton.

comparatif d'infériorité : less + adjectif + than

Birmingham is less sunny than Brighton.

c/ Cricket is (= popular) rugby.

comparatif d'égalité : as + adjectif + as

Cricket is as popular as rugby.

d/ Londoners are ( + patient) other people.

"patient" adjectif long

comparatif de supériorité : more + adjectif + than

Londoners are more patient than other people

e/ British people are usually (+ punctual) than French people.

"puntual" adjectif long

comparatif de supériorité : more + adjectif + than

British people are usually more punctual than French people.

f/ British are ( = funny) French.

"funny" adjectif de 2 syllabes qui finit par "y" : fonctionne comme un adjectif court. On remplace l' "y" par "i"

British are funnier than French.

g/ The British accent is ( + snobby) than American accent.

"snobby" adjectif de 2 syllabes qui finit par "y" : fonctionne comme un adjectif court. On remplace l' "y" par "i"

The British accent is snobbier than American accent.

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