Réponse :
Gregory often gets up very early in the morning.
He never smokes.
He often cycles to go to work so he is often in good shape.
He goes to the gym every morning and trains.
He never eats junk food, instead he prefers having lettuce!
( Attention aux adverbes de fréquence qui se placent avant les verbes - mais après le verbe "be" )
(+) He gave me a present for my birthday.
(?) When did you arrive on the island?
(-) The contestant didn’t like the rules of the game.
(+) She invited us to her birthday party.
(-) We didn’t understand the history lesson.
(?) Where did you spend your holiday last summer?
(-) My teacher isn’t at school today.
C/ ( tag : phrase négative => tag affirmatif
phrase affirmative => tag négatif )
And you never do your homework, do you?
( Attention ici la phrase a un sens négatif )
You understand the problem, don’t you?
You can’t carry on like this, can you?
You will change your attitude in class, won't you?
You want good marks, don’t you?
You don’t want to be in trouble, do you?
- This gadget has no use! It is useless. ( = inutile )
- This painting has got a lot of colours. It is very colourful. ( = coloré )