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Sagot :
3 years ago I went on vacation to Valencia in France. 5 months before leaving I got injured so I found myself on a crutch and I won't be able to heal before the holidays arrive so I thought that its not going to be great but it's not so serious it is not this which could make my vacation complicate me however I did not have to calculate that 2 days before I left that I was going to fall spanking badly in the second leg I went to the hospital and released from the hospital I had to force myself to be on a crutch on one foot and this foot was now in more difficulty. I had exactly a sprain. I was at the limit of the wheelchair. Which demoralized me but being a courageous person I kept the hope that everything would be okay. I went with my family to Valence. the trip is perfectly well spent we then joined a 5 Star campsite. We would not stay there for 1 week. Everything went wonderful I was even able to kayak and in the pool as well as the slides all crazier than the campsite offers. it was very fun despite this inconvenience but you always have to keep smiling
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