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Comment les événements passés peuvent ils avoir un impact sur le présent ?
Je dois répondre à cette question en 300 mots avec des exemples et des explications

Sagot :

The past has built us. We are rich in our successes, our encounters, our experiences and also our failures. These elements can be analyzed, we draw lessons from them, unconsciously most of the time. However, this past is over and we cannot change it. The only thing we can change is the impact it will have on our present and on our future. Our present, what we are currently experiencing, is the result of our past.
You didn't choose your parents, your family, many of your experiences, your genetics.
Lots of things that actually condition your present, your reality.
For example If for pleasure, one evening at a party, for example, you eat too much or drink too much alcohol, the next day your excess will be remembered by you.
You will pay off your excess debt from the day before. In fact, a lot of your present is tied to your past choices.
Choices that you might not have realized at the time that would affect you later. On your future, your present now.
another example Maybe you are overweight and it makes you feel bad.
And maybe it's because in the past few weeks, months, or years you haven't been paying too much attention to what you eat, or exercising too little or not.
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