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a) Why did the Puritans leave England?
b) What was the name of their ship?
c) When did they arrive in America?
d) Why did they get sick and die during the first winter?
e) Who taught them to grow plants?
f) Why did they organize a feast?
g) Who did they invite?
b) When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving today?

C’est en rapport avec thanksgiving merci de me répondre car c’est pour demain matin

Sagot :



Réponse :

a) Why did the Puritans leave England?

The Puritans left England because they where persecuted for religious

reasons. // because they wanted to escape religious persecution.

b) What was the name of their ship?

The name of their ship was the Mayflower.

c) When did they arrive in America?

They arrived in America on November 11, 1620.

d) Why did they get sick and die during the first winter?

They got sick and died during the first winter because they didn't have

enough food and because of the weather. It was very cold.

e) Who taught them to grow plants?

The  Wampanoag taught them how to grow plants.

f) Why did they organize a feast?

They organized a feast to celebrate their first successful harvest and to

thank the  Wampanoag.

g) Who did they invite?

They invited Native Americans ( the Wampanoag tribe )

b) When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving today?

Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November.

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