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entourer toutes les marques du prétérit/passé
qui est dans ce texte

Thanksgiving is an American celebration. It started in 1620. The Pilgrims (a Protestant British group) arrived in America in the Mayflower. They arrived too late to cultivate the land and almost all starved. The year after that. The Native Americans thaught them how to cultivate the land. They had a rich harvest with corn, pumpkins, beans etc...
To celebrate that and thank the Lord, thay had a great feast for  days.
Today, it's an official day in america with parades. People eat Turkey with their family. 

Sagot :

Voici ton exercice

Thanksgiving is an American celebration. It -started- in 1620. The Pilgrims (a Protestant British group)-arrived- in America in the Mayflower. They -arrived- too late to cultivate the land and almost all -starved-. The year after that. The Native Americans -thaught- them how to cultivate the land. They -had- a rich harvest with corn, pumpkins, beans etc...
To celebrate that and thank the Lord, thay -had- a great feast for  days.
Today, it's an official day in america with parades. People eat Turkey with their family. 

Les verbes au prétérit sont encadré de tirets ( - )


Réponse :

Thanksgiving is an American celebration. It started in 1620. The Pilgrims (a

Protestant British group) arrived in America in the Mayflower. They arrived

too late to cultivate the land and almost all starved. The year after that. The

Native Americans taught them how to cultivate the land. They had a rich

harvest with corn, pumpkins, beans etc...

To celebrate that and thank the Lord, thay had a great feast for  days.

Today, it's an official day in america with parades. People eat Turkey with

their family.


en gras les verbes au prétérit

souligné : les indicateurs temporels

" in 1620"

"the year after that" ( = l'année d'après = 1621)

"Today"  ( aujourd'hui ==> il n'y a donc pas de prétérit )

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