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Sagot :
This is a Movie poster for « the Avengers » by marvel. In the background you can see skyscrapers, probably in a big city and ships flying in the sky. Then you can see many superhero’s such as hulk, captain America, black widow etc... c’est pas tout donc vas falloir continuer mais j’espere que ça a aidé un peu
Salut, je ne sais pas du tout si ce que j’écris est bon mais j’espère que ça va t’aider:)
it is a poster which shows the release of the movie "the avengers", in the foreground, we can see the characters of the film "fighting" then in the second plan we see the city which is not in good condition with " planes "exploding”...
it is a poster which shows the release of the movie "the avengers", in the foreground, we can see the characters of the film "fighting" then in the second plan we see the city which is not in good condition with " planes "exploding”...
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