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je dois faire ces exos mais je n'y arrive pas. Si quelqu'un peut m'aider svp. Merci et bonne journée à vous.
" Read the text and get information about the main character".
a. Name: ....
Gender: .......
b. Country and place of arrival:
c. Means of transport:
d. Destination:
7 Read the text and recap the main character's itinerary.
then, ...
After that, at the Tube station,
8 How did the main character feel? Justify your answer.
Justify: ......... ​

Bonjourje Dois Faire Ces Exos Mais Je Ny Arrive Pas Si Quelquun Peut Maider Svp Merci Et Bonne Journée À Vous Read The Text And Get Information About The Main C class=

Sagot :


Réponse :

a: Name: Ginny Barnes

Gender: female

Nationality: American, from the USA

b: She arrived in England, in London.

c: She took the plane to go there. Here she's taking the underground subway.

d: She takes the Tube to go to her hotel.

7: First, ginny was on a plane and arrived to the airport of London after a 10 hour flight. Then, she got her passport stamped. After that, she had to take the subway to get to her hotel. Finaly, it isn't noted in the text but she most probably made it to there.

8: The main character was lost. Since it was her first time traveling abroad, it was also her first time experiencing jet lag. So from this 10 hour difference she felt tired and couldn't really comprehend everything that was happening.

Si tu as des problemes d'incomprehension avec mes reponses n'hesite pas a me le faire savoir.

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