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Someone can help me ?

Read the extract from the novel
1 Pick out information about the general context (who, where,
how, when).
2 Make a list of things Bill Bryson discovers in Edinburgh
(monuments, food, culture, etc).
3 Now focus on the adjectives. In your own words, describe
Bryson's experience and impressions.

Sagot :


Maybe I can answer your first question


*Who: to talk about the person, for example: Ahmed who won the title of handsome, or we use it to ask about someone. like "who is this?"

*Where: to ask about the location


1. in what way or manner; by what means.

"how does it work?"

2.used to ask about the condition or quality of something.

"how was your holiday?"

3.It is also used to ask about the quantity or price of something

And *When: used to ask about time

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