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Bonjour je doit faire le témoin d'un harcèlement en anglais pouvez vous m'aider s'il vous plait ?​

Sagot :

Si quelqu’un se fait harceler, va parler avec la personne harceler puis tu diras a un surveillant ou ta cpe

Response :

I saw it, it was yesterday, at lunch break behind the classroom, there were 3 person and one was lying on the floor, it was Thomas. Unfortunately, I was too scared and couldn't move, but I saw the face of one of them, it was Lucas and the two others were approximately his height, one of them is blond, and the other is a girl with ginger hair. I don't have any proof, but you have to trust me, I have no reason to lie about something like that, I swear! I just hope Thomas is  okay .