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Bonjour ,es que vous pouvez me faire un dialogue entre un policier et un témoin  10 phrases chacun en anglais mrc d’avance .

Sagot :


J'espère t'aidé.


-Hello Mr Policeman, why do you come to my house.

-I have heard that for the crime of November 12th you have seen and experienced something.

-Uh for the crime in front of Boiro High

-Yes, that’s exactly it, Mr Dupont.

"Then I can tell you the culprit if you wish."

"Yes, go ahead, I’m listening."

-The criminal who killed Jean-Bernard and Thomas Rouzi.

-Thank you, sir, noted



-Hello mr policeman, this is alex why did you came here today
- well of course you have heard about the crime that happened december 12th right
- yes i heard about it
- that good
- but what does that consern me?
- well i came here to ask you if you have seen anything that can give us an answer
- oh im sorry mr policeman at that time i was traveling so i didn't see anything at that day but it happened beside my uncle he lives beside the food court street so i think you can fond some information from him
- ok thanks for helping us
- you're welcome
- see u later then goodbye
- good bye
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