Réponse :
1. Kiss and make UP already. I can’t stand the silent treatment.
to make up : se réconcilier, faire la paix.
2. He made FOR the Outback as he wanted to get away from it all.
to make for : se diriger dans une direction
3. I can’t make OUT the fine print in this contract. What does it say?
to make out : déchiffrer, lire
4. He made UP FOR being late by bringing coffee and doughnuts for everyone.
to make up for ( something) : compenser, se faire pardonner
5. How is John making OUT in this new business venture?
to make out : réussir
6. He made UP his face to hide his true identity.
to make up : se maquiller
7. I want this homework made OVER and I want it done right this time!
to make over : refaire
8. Can you make UP the exam you missed last week?
to make up : faire quelque chose que l’on a raté
9. She made OUT WITH her next-door neighbour and now she is embarrassed to see him.
to make out : embrasser
10. How could I make UP a story like this? I’m telling the truth.
to make up : inventer
Explications :
On remarque qu'une même préposition après le verbe peut avoir plusieurs sens, que l'on arrive à distinguer en fonction des phrases.