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Remets les mots dans l'ordre pour obtenir une question cohérente puis réponds-y ( Pas des reponces courtes quand c'est possible )


What / the names of the different parts in the globe / are / ?


Like you / to see / would / in London / a play  / ?


People / sit / could / at the centre on the Globe / ?


Open / it / is / When / ?

Sagot :

4-When it is open ?
2- would like you to see a play in london ?
1-wath are the names of the different parts in the glob ? 


QUESTION : What are the names of the different parts in the globe ?

REPONSE : I think these are the poles.


QUESTION : Would you like to see a play in London ?

REPONSE : Yes, I would like to see a play in London.


QUESTION : People could sit at the centre of the Globe ?

REPONSE : Yes, people could sit at the centre of the Globe.


QUESTION : When open is it ?

REPONSE : It's open at 9 : 00 A.M