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c est pour demain svp
C. Complete the sentences with who, which, that, whose or where. If they can be omitted, put them in brackets. 1. The woman ..... I was talking to at the supermarket was Simon's manager
. 2. The park ... we spent the afternoon was amazing
3. I've got a classmate.... dad used to be a professional footballer
4. The temple .... we visited was full of tourists
5. There's the teenager .... showed us the way to the temple,
6. Let's go to one of the cates ..... which are in the city centre
7. There's a shop near here .... you can find cheap CDs. 8. The boy ..... mobile phone I found yesterday plays in the local basketball team​

Sagot :

1. The woman (who) I was talking to at the supermarket was Simon’s manager.
2. The park (where) we spent the afternoon was amazing.
3. I’ve got a classmate (whose) dad used to be a professional footballer.
4. The temple (that) we visited was full of tourists.
5. There’s the teenager (who) showed us the way to the temple.
6. Let’s go to one of the cates (that) are in the city centre.
7. There’s a shop near here (where) you can find cheap CDs.
8. The boy (whose) mobile phone I found yesterday plays in the local basketball team.
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