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Bonjour, je dois résumer ce texte en anglais : the random access memory it sits right on the motherboard it holds the data and the software that you're currently running on most motherboard you ll find one two or four banks of RAM. QUI peut m'aider svp​

Sagot :


bjr c est ce qu on viens juste de apprendre


RAM lets you open apps and files quickly,RAM is designed to work with small bits of data at a time exemple when you click on a link to go to a new website, a series of capacitors and transistors basically switches in the RAM’s circuit board turn on or off, letting your computer translate the link into the web page you see.When working with RAM, you can access data in any order .RAM is what you use to do basically anything on your computer. Sure, you can browse through the contents of your hard drive and look through folders and files, but opening any of those files means pulling out a copy and placing it onto the RAM. Only there can data be read and written in nanoseconds.

v est cequon a etudier a propos j espere t avoir t aider :)

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