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Bonjour j’ai un devoir à faire pour la rentrée je dois présente un film ou une série j’avais penser à Harry Potter pouvais vous m’aider

Sagot :


tout le film


ou si no le 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8


Harry is an orphan, he was born on July 31, 1980. His parents were James Potter and Lily Evans, he was taken in by his aunt (Petunia), his uncle (Vernon) and their son Dudley who live at 4 Privet Drive. They are abominable to him: they make him live in a broom closet, force him to do household chores, and Dudley laughs at him and puts him down in school. Their goal is in fact to remove his magical powers by mistreating him; indeed, they have the greatest aversion to what is out of the ordinary and imagine they can destroy its powers. On the day of his 11th birthday, he will discover that he is a wizard, and at the same time, learn that his parents died murdered by the most famous and the most formidable of the wizards, Lord Voldemort, whose nobody dares to pronounce the name (wizards give him several nicknames including The One-Of-One-Must-Not-Pronounce-The-Name and You-Know-Who). Harry is said to have survived a killing curse cast by Voldemort, Avada Kedavra, thanks to the sacrifice and strength of his mother's love that served as his shield. Indeed when she got between Harry and the Killing Curse, it ricocheted and turned against the Dark Mage, destroying his body and ending his reign of terror.