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What happening in the Forest ?

What was the weather like in the Forest ?

Did the writer’s friend think it was a good idea to stay in the house ?
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What Happening In The Forest What Was The Weather Like In The Forest Did The Writers Friend Think It Was A Good Idea To Stay In The House Vous Pouvez Maider Svp class=

Sagot :

Réponse : What's happening : The three friends were trick-or-treacking when one of them decided to get back home. One of the two last wanted more chocolate bars so they decided to do a few more houses, before getting back home by the forest, which would be a faster way to get home.

But then, they got lost!

In the forest, it was cold, foggy, rainy and there were thunder.

The writer's friend think it wasn't a good idea to stay in the house, but it was very cold outside so they came inside.

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