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Write a story beginning with the following words: the trip was a disaster from beginning to end

Sagot :

Réponse :

The trip was a disaster from beginning to end because we went for a hike very early in the morning and when we arrived at the hike site, we noticed that we had forgotten the food at home. In spite of that, we started walking towards the rendezvous point. Meanwhile, one of our friends got bitten by a snake and stung by bees. We had to call for help but there was no network so we kept on walking until we found someone or some network. Despite our best efforts, we couldn't find anything. when we got to the top, we put our stuff on the ground and sat down, but it started to rain and all our stuff got soaked or fell off the top of the mountain. We quickly made our way back and almost got to the car when we forgot that the keys were in one of the bags that fell off the mountain, we went around all the trees but we didn't find anything. In the end this adventure didn't end well because we stayed in the middle of the forest without anything to cover us nor anything to go home with. A few hours later we called some cars but they didn't see us and no one heard us screaming for help. Finally a truck that was parking us called us but couldn't bring us all back to the city because there were too many of us. So we asked the driver to take our friend to the hospital and we will go back home by ourselves.....

Explications :

Voila un  texte en anglais complet avec le debut "the trip was a disaster ..."

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