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4) Complete the sentences with the correct form of BE : Complète les phrases avec la forme correcte de BE. (2 pts)

a) I ........... going to take loads of photos.
b) My clasmates and I going to study hard for our English exam.
c) They .. going to stay in a hotel in the countryside.
d) My father going to cook when we're on holiday.​

Sagot :

Réponse :

a) I am going to take loads of photos.

b) My clasmates and I are going to study hard for our English exam.

c) They are going to stay in a hotel in the countryside.

d) My father is going to cook when we're on holiday.​

Explications :

a) I am going ou I’m going
b) I am going ou I’m going
c) They are going ou they’re going
d) My father is going ou my father’s going
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