Réponse :
1. Diversity = f. the unique differences among individuals in a group on which we may be treated differently in society. Ethnicity is not the only way in which we are diverse as a group. There are countless visible and invisible facets of diversity.
2. Inclusion = h. embracing, leveraging, and celebrating the strengths of our diversity and ensuring everyone feels welcomed and valued for who they are.
3. Equity = a. An approach that ensures everyone is given equal opportunity and seeks to balance disparity.
4. System of Oppression = n. refers to forms of power in society that advantage certain groups over others, and include ideologies such as racism, sexism, heterosexism, etc ( collectively « the isms » )
5. Stereotypes = b. refer to the widely believed, oversimplified ideas we hold about a person based on their identity. They are bases on assumptions, popular opinion, or misinformation, are generally negative and are often characterized by words such as « always » and « never » .
6. Race = d. is a false construct that historically and currently combines skin color and ancestry with behavior and culture. However, though it iis a false construct, its existence is a widely held assumption and has real consequences for all people.
7. People of color = k. include U.S. citizens who do not identify as only white or Caucasian under the current Census ethnicity categories. This is the preferred and most inclusive term.
8. Ethnicity = e. A group of people that identify with one another based on shared culture.
9. Culture = m. A set of shared ideas, customs, traditions, beliefs, and practices shared by a group of people.
10. Disability = l. A mental or physical difference that limits a person in everyday activities.
11. Gender Identity = c. Refers to the internal perception of one’s gender, how a person labels themselves. It is not what’s between your legs, it’s what’s between your ears. There are countless ways in which people may identify themselves.
12. Gender Expression = g. The way that someone outwardly displays their gender through style, demeanor, and social behavior.
13. Transgender = i. A person whose gender identity ( and sometimes expression ) does not align with the sex they were assigned at birth. Trans* is an umbrella term that refers to various different ways that people transgress gender norms.