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Bonsoir quelqu’un peut me traduire ça pas de Google traduction : Savez vous qui est le footballeur qui bat des records et qui a 6 ballons d’or ? Cette légende se nomme Lionel Messi il est né le 24 juin 1987 en Argentine. Il a 2 grands frères un qui s’appelle Matias et l’autre rodrigo et 1 soeur qui elle s’appelle Maria .il joue au PSG et évolue au poste d’attaquant son pieds fort est le gauche. A 10 ans il est diagnostiqué malade, il ne grandissait pas comme les jeunes de son âge il est passer de 1m40 à 1m70 en prenant des hormones de croissance Messi est très influant, les jeunes veulent devenir comme lui car il a eu un parcours difficile et malgrès ça il a réussi à arriver à ce qu’il est devenu aujourd’hui Il a grandit dans une cité ouvrière au nord de l’Argentine et a l’heure d’aujourd’hui il est milliardaire ! Son père est entraîneur donc il a pas connu le foot seul et a été influencé par son père il a jamais était intéresser par ses études et des qu’il joue il devient quelqu’un d’autre . Mon match préférée c’est celui contre le réal Madrid ou le barca avait gagner 3-2 et dont messi avait marquer 2 but et l’un a la dernière minute ce qui a permit au barca de gagner ce match extraordinaire !!

Sagot :


Réponse :

Do you know who is the footballer who breaks records and who has 6 golden balls? This legend is called Lionel Messi he was born on June 24, 1987 in Argentina. He has 2 big brothers one called Matias and the other rodrigo and 1 sister called Maria. He plays for PSG and evolves in the attacking position his strong foot is the left. At 10 he was diagnosed ill, he was not growing like young people of his age he went from 1m40 to 1m70 by taking growth hormones Messi is very influential, young people want to become like him because he had a difficult journey and despite that he managed to achieve what he has become today. He grew up in a working-class city in the north of Argentina and today he is a billionaire! His father is a coach so he didn’t know football alone and was influenced by his father he was never interested in his studies and as soon as he played he became someone else. My favorite match is the one against Real Madrid where barca won 3-2 and in which Messi scored 2 goals and one in the last minute which allowed barca to win this extraordinary match !!

Réponse :

La traduction est:

Explications :

Did you know who is the footballer he beat records and he have 6 Gold Balls?

This legend he named Lionel Messi he is born in June, 1987 (nineteen eighty seven) 24th in Argentina. He has 2 big brothers, one named Matias, the other called Rodrigo and One sisters she is called Maria. He play in PSG and evolved in attacking position, his strong foot is in the left. In 10 years he diagnose sick, he is growing not like the others kids of his age it has passed in 1m40 at 1m70 in taking growth hormones.

Messi is very influential, some kids want to be like him because he has a difficult course in spite of this he is successfuly became what it is

Today he grew up in housing estate  factory in north of Argentina and right now he is a billionaire!

His father are a coach so he don't known soccer alone and been influenced by his father he is never interessed by studies and when he play, he became another person.

My favourite match is that against the Real Madrid when Barca have won 3-2 and Messi had mark 2 goals and one at the last minute which allowed barca to win this extraordinary match!

Voila j'espere t'avoir aidé ;D

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