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Bonsoir , pouvez-vous m’aider s’il vous plaît merci d’avance.

Texte :

Apple CEO Tim Cook has expressed his concerns over
"'fake news" in an interview with TheDaily
Telegraph, and it's something that should be addressed. According to Cook, fale news is "killing people's
minds." He is proposing that some mesures be taken by tech companies such as his to help stop the
spread of fake news.
"We have to give the consumer tools to help with this. And we've got to filter out
part of it before it ever gets there without losing the great openness of the Internet." Therein lies the
rub, how to stop the spread of fake news and propaganda without infringing on the right to free
Many people cite the First Amendment's freedom of speech as though it covers anything and
everything a person could ever want to say, but that just isn't so. In a Supreme Court judgment for
when freedom of speech may be lawfully limited, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes illustrated the point by
stating that no one has the constitutional right to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater when no fire is
present, for such an action would pose a
"clear and present danger" to public safety. The difficult part
will be to determine where the line is.
Some sites attempt to shrug off their responsibility by claiming to be satire sites. The problem with that
is that many of them are missing the
"'satire" part and are just publishing lies without the biting social
critique, irony or humor that are usually the key ingredients in satire.
Disseminating false information is not a new phenomenon. American agencies have found use for it in
undermining foreign governments, elections, and even to justify military actions.
During the last election cycle, so much disinformation was available that it was impossible for a casual
news observer to distinguish between what may have been fake and what was truth.
Some fake news is just sloppy reporting and a rush to publish to generate
"clicks" which is how
websites generate revenue. One recent fake story that got shared around a lot was one about police
raiding the protester camps at Standing Rock and burning tepees. It even ran a photo of the burning
structures with police standing around. The problem with it was that it never happened and the
"'police" were wearing cavalry uniforms circa 1860s.
There doesn't seem to be an easy fux to this problem and it probably won't go away any time soon. The
best way to fight fake news is to do your own research and be diligent in fact-checking stories, especially
when they sound too outlandish, and not to rely on a single source.for your information. If other news
sources aren't reporting the story, chances are someone is pulling a fast one and being well paid to do it.

1. How is the Internet described ? (The First paragraph)

2.What are the limitations of the fundamentale Right mentioned here ? (The second paragraph)

Sagot :


bonjour à toi voici les réponses j'ai fais de mon mieux :


1)In the first paragraph the internet is described as something where there is a lot of fake news this is what Apple CEO Tim Cook said in his speech and he proposes that certain measures be taken by technology companies like his to help stop the spreading fake news

2)The fundamental rights expressed here are those not to cry "fire" in a theater, this is what judge Oliver Wendell Holmes illustrated in a speech

pour la deuxième je suis vraiment pas surt