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Bonjour j’aurais besoin d’aide pour une tâche final en anglais c’est ultra important car je dois la rendre pour demain je vous donne les consignes: Rédiger un article de presse :
Donnez un titre, de préférence court et percutant.
Soignez l'introduction : en deux ou trois phrases, votre lecteur doit savoir ce dont va
parler l'article (=Who, What, Where, When, Why).
Créez un paragraphe par idée. Associez à chaque idée ou argument un exemple, et
sautez une ligne entre chaque paragraphe.
Soignez votre conclusion.
Signez d'un nom de journaliste imaginaire, incluez le nom d'un journal et la date de publication. Merci de bien vouloir m’aider dans le plus bref délai svpl.

Sagot :

Réponse :

Voici un exemple de ce que tu pourrais faire

Explications :

TITRE  : Why is Fall the best season ?

Intro : We're finally in October, which means we're in the middle of Fall.

We know all seasons are great but this one's different and many people seems to agree with us. We've been asking people in the streets what were their favorite season and their opinion, and in this week's newspaper, we'll share them with you.

Food : Everything in terms of flavor changes, it all turns to apple, butternut, pumpkin and veggies. Pies and soup come back as the weather get a bit colder and it never gets old ! The choices are endless and you can enjoy salty, sour and sugary flavors all in the same season, how cool is that ?!

Fashion : Boots, Big hoodies, sweaters come back after a long period of hot weather. In the streets, you can see the drastic change of colors on people's outfit with more brown, red, hot colors who adapt their fashion style to the season and they always turn out stunning.

Nature : The forest turn to a whole new painting when the leaves starts changing too a bit everywhere. The wind make them dance and it's beautiful. Influences always take their precious time trying to take the best pictures to post, and photo shoot are very common.

Traditions all around the world  

This is halloween ! Yay, candy, witches, monsters and scary kid's stories come out of the dark as well. It's a "party" that occurs in most country among children for "trick or treat" !

Thanksgiving in the USA too, where family gather around a table to enjoy a warm and cozy diner with a turkey in the middle !

Dia De Los Muertos in Mexico, it's breathtaking, if you guys have the opportunity to see it once, do it !!

In conclusion

Those were the five things that people were telling us when e asked them why they loved Fall so much.

(Voilà c'est à peu près tout, pas obligé de faire pareil mais je donne des idées si vous ne savez pas par où commencer !)