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Sagot :



Réponse :

2. She was talking on the phone when her boss came in.

      prétérit Be + V-ing                                           prétérit

g. action in progress when another action interrupted it.

3. Sam was in hospital because he had crashed his car.

           prétérit                                    past perfect

  j. action which finished in the past and whose result was visible in the past.

4. They had been studying hard all morning, so they were tired.

        past perfect continuous                                    prétérit

h. action which lasted for some time in the past and whose result was visible in the past.

5. I was cooking lunch while he was pouring the drinks.

   prétérit Be +V-ing                    prétérit Be + V-ing

f. two or more simultaneous actions.

6. We had been living in the house for a year before we decorated the


         past perfect continuous                                               prétérit

d. tu put emphasis on the duration of an action which started and finished in

the past before another past action.

7. Princess Diana did a lot of work for charity.


a. to talk about actions of people who are no longer alive.

8. At two o’clock this afternoon they were having lunch at work.

                                                             prétérit Be + V-ing

e. action which was in progress at a started time in the past.

9. First, she knocked on the door. Then, she went inside.

                     prétérit                                          prétérit

c. actions which happened immediately one after the other in the past.

10. We had bought the tickets before we went to the theatre.

           past perfect                                      prétérit

b. action which happened before another past action or before a stated time

in the past.

Explications :

Prétérit = simple past

Prétérit Be + V-ing = Prétérit progressif = Past continuous

                                   ( was / were + V-ing )

Past perfect : ( had + participe passé )

Past perfect continuous : ( had been + V-ing )



1 > l

2 > g

3 > j

4 > h

5 > f

6 > d

7 > a

8 > e

9 > c

10 > b


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