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Bonjour aidez moi svp
My ideal school is in the countryside.
The students don't need to wear uniform.
There are many school facilities. It has a five-storey building with a sport court. On the ground floor, there are a playground, a canteen and a hall. There are many special rooms on the first floor. There are a library, two computer rooms, an art room, a music room and a classroom. There are ten classrooms and two toilets on each floor. In the sport court, there are two changing rooms, two toilets, two basketball courts, four badminton courts and a football ground
1. What is the text about?
2. Talk about the facilities in this ideal school.
3. Say what you can do in that school.

Sagot :

Réponse :

1) This text is talking about my ideal school.

2) It's a five-story building, On the ground floor, there are a playground, a canteen and a hall. There is a library, two computer rooms, an art room, a music room, ten classrooms and two toilets.

3) You can go to the playground to play, library to study, music room to play instruments, art room to do arts and more.

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