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Transformez les verbes en gras au prétérit avec would + V lorsque c’est possible When

Tina was 12, she lived........  in a plantation in Louisiana. Her masters were growing ........... cotton for the booming industry in England. Whenever her mistress called her, she hurried ......... to see what she wanted. She always looked...........  down when her mistress addressed her. She always answered  “Yes Ma’am” to whatever she was told....... . But whenever she heard  people whispering about the Underground Railroad, she opened.........  her ears wide. She knew............  that one day it would be her ​

Sagot :

Réponse :

Tina was 12, she would live in a plantation in Louisiana. Her masters were growing would grow cotton for the booming industry in England. Whenever her mistress called her, she would hurry to see what she wanted. She always would look down when her mistress addressed her. She always answered  “Yes Ma’am” to whatever she was would tell . But whenever she heard  people whispering about the Underground Railroad, she would open her ears wide. She would know that one day it would be her ​

Explications :