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Bonjour pouvez vous m’aider pour cet exercice merci d’avance.

Fill in the blanks with: can, can't have to, may, might, must, or (not)
allowed to.

1. George has travelled a lot. He…….speak many languages
2. I'm not sure where I will go for my holidays, but I……go to Italy
3. She…….ride her bike at night without lights. It's not allowed.
4. She……..not eat so much chocolate because it's bad for her figure.
5.I….understand him. He should speak louder.
6. It's later than I thought. I…..go now.
7. Talk to Ann about your problems. I'm sure she……help you
8. You……be tired because you have worked very hard,
9. He……come to my party because he is ill.
10. He……go to the dentist when he has toothache.
11. …… you speak many languages?
12. I don't know what I'm doing this weekend, but I……go to
13. Playing football…..in this park
14. You……have a passeport to visit most foreign countries.

Sagot :

1- … He can …
2- … i may …
3- … she can’t …
4- she must not …
5- i can’t …
6- … i have to …
7- … she can …
8- you must …
9- he can’t …
10- he must …
11- can you …
12- … i might …
13- (je crois que t’as mal écris la phrase)
14- you must …