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Hello, I'm supposed to make a dialogue, an elder and teenager talking about their teen days. Like each of them describing how they lived at that time. Thank you in advance

Sagot :

Réponse :

-Hey bro ! Do you remember your teenage years ?

-Indeed ! It wasn't as easy as yours ! That's why I'm laughing when you are complaining about your "problems" !

-Well go on ! How were they ? Tell me already !

-Let's just say it was simpler ! Simple things, you know, hanging with friends, breathing fresh air !

-That's it ? How is it even simpler ? I'm doing the same !

-We didn't have as much technology as you teenagers of this generation!

-I mean, it's logical the world is evolving...

-Yeah but for example, when you are eating with us, you could talk to us instead of just using your smartphone... We were talking at table and we were caring about each other. And I didn't have as much pocket money as you ! Well, I'm talking about my generation, but what about yours ? What are you doing to keep you occupied ?

-Well, I have to admit that it's much easier to occupy ourselves now than before ! I love using social networks! It's so great, it's crazy to realise that you can talk to someone on the other side of the world just a click away!

-I have to admit that you're right I wish I had the way to do that when I was younger !

-But I'm also enjoying simple things, like hanging out with my friends, make sports and "breathing fresh air", as you like to say !

-Yeah I'm a bit hard on you. But I advise you to enjoy the simple things in life! Social networking is good but you are part of the generation most immersed in technology! You have to be careful even if these innovations are a good thing!

-I'll be careful don't worry !

-Sure thing !

Explications :

Méthodo :

=> Vocabulaire de l'adolescence

=> Savoir structurer son dialogue et le rendre plus "humain"

=> Utilisation du prétérit !

Rappel prétérit simple :

-Verbe +ed si non irrégulier

-Sinon : 2ème colonne tableau verbe irr.

Hope to see you around ben ! Have a nice day !

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