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give me your opinion about
whether male teachers or female teachers are friendlier
what school subject are the easiest , the most difficult, the best
which are better single sex school or co educational schools
help me please​

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. "Male/Female teachers friendly debate"

-In my opinion, I just don't mind ! I have always been happy and satisfied with my teachers, whatever their gender.

2. "What school subject are the easiest, the most difficult, the best"

For me, the best subject is obviously English ! I really enjoy talking this language and it is very useful for professional environments (such as computer science, with coding in english words)

-In my opinion, the worst school subject is maths, I just can't understand them ! And it does hurt my head a lot even by just thinking of them !

-The easiest school subject for me is French, because I have facilities with it, and I know how to speak it well.

3. "Co/ed | Single sex debate"

-For me, co educational schools are better than single sex schools, because diversity is the basis of living together, in society.

Bonne soirée !

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