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Talk about yourself by completing these. Parle de toi en complétant ces phrases :
a) I enjoy
b) I'm fond of
c) I loathe
d) At home, I don't mind
e) I'm great at
f) I'm crazy about
g) I can't stand​

Sagot :

Réponse :

a) I enjoy spending time with my friends ! I'm really having fun with them.

b) I'm fond of football ! I don't miss any game of my favorite club (Tu peux rajouter un club de foot que tu aimes par exemple.)

c) I loathe mathematics ! I just can't understand them !

d) At home, I don't mind being alone, since i can talk with my friends online

e) I'm great at football ! I always practise with my friends !

f) I'm crazy about playing video games ! It's very entertaining

g) I can't stand solitude ! Being alone is terrible !

Bonne journée et bonne chance pour l'anglais !


i enjoy playing the piano.

i am fond of watching TV series.

i loathe walking for a long Time.

At home i dont mind washing thé dishes.

i am great at cooking.

i am crazy for kittens.

i cant stand lies.