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Hello I would really need help on the question for a presentation due tomorrow: How did the Battle of Little Bighorn affect the europeans and the Nativee Americans

Sagot :

Réponse :

Hello !

The Battle of Little Bighorn, nicknamed in the United States Custer's Last Stand ("Custer's Ultimate Resistance"), and in Sioux the Battle of Greasy Grass, is a battle between the 647 men of the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the United States. US Army under Lieutenant-Colonel George A. Custer to a coalition of Cheyennes and Sioux formed at the initiative of Sitting Bull.

It took place on June 25 and 26, 1876, near the Little Bighorn River ("little mouflon", a tributary of the Bighorn), in the eastern part of the Montana Territory, near what is now Crow Agency in the state of Montana.

It is the most famous episode of the Black Hills War (also known as the Great Sioux War of 1876) which ended in a landslide victory for the Native Americans led by the Sioux chiefs Crazy Horse and Gall and by the chief cheyenne Lame White Man. Custer and 267 of his men perished in this battle, one of the most notorious in American history. Studied in depth by historians, it is still the subject of an abundant literature.

The site of the battle is preserved in the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monumen

Explications :

wikipedia :)

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