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Bonjour j’aurais besoin d’aide svp Mettez les verbes entre parentheses au présent simple.
In the US about 55% of children (go) to school by bus
b. A student (go) to school from 8am to 2 or 3 every day
e. We (have) a one hour lunch break and the class periods llast.
usually fasts usually between 40 and 60 minutes
d. The teachers (use)
letters to grade our tests. A student who (do) a great job on his/her test, will get an A. But if she (fail)
i completely. Is he (get)
an F
e. Nearly 1/3 of American high-school students (play)
or computer games for 3 hours or more on a school day.
4. An American child now (spend) more than 75 hours a day in
front of a screen (TV. computer, or videogames)
video games

Sagot :

Réponse :

Explications :


In the US about 55% of children go to school by bus

b. A student goes to school from 8am to 2 or 3 every day

e. We have a one hour lunch break and the class periods llast.

usually fasts usually between 40 and 60 minutes

d. The teachers use letters to grade our tests. A student who does a great job on his/her test, will get an A. But if she fails

i completely. Is he gets an F

e. Nearly 1/3 of American high-school students play

or computer games for 3 hours or more on a school day.

4. An American child now spends more than 75 hours a day in

front of a screen (TV. computer, or videogames) video games



Réponse :

In the US about 55% of children go  to school by bus

b. A student goes to school from 8am to 2 or 3 every day

e. We have a one hour lunch break and the class periods usually last

between 40 and 60 minutes

d. The teachers use letters to grade our tests. A student who does a great job

on his/her test, will get an A. But if she fails it completely he gets

an F.

e. Nearly 1/3 of American high-school students play computer games for 3

hours or more on a school day.

4. An American child now spends more than 75 hours a day in

front of a screen (TV. computer, or videogames)

Explications :

Toutes les phrases sontt à la forme affirmative

Il faut simplement faire attention à la 3ème personne du singulier ( "s" )

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