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The 9/11 Memorial and Museum The site of the World Trade Center baptised "Ground Zero", has been turned into a memora and museum, completed in 2011 and 2014 The Memorial takes the form of two reflecting pools, each in the space once of the towers occupied, and edgea with the names of the 2.977 victims of the 2001 attacks and six victims of a previous attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 The Museum contains remnants of the buildings and planes out more importantly the portraits and stories of the victims as well as objects which belonged to them.

-What is the 9/11 mémorial?
-What can you find in the 9/11 Museum ?
-Where are the Mémorial and Museum situated?​

Sagot :

Réponse :

1) It is a memorial to all the victims of September 11, 2001.

2) There are two huge waterfalls in the exact location of the twin towers.  

3) The museum and memorial is located on the site of the World Trade Center, where the attack of September 11 took place.

Explications :

1) Il s'agit d'un mémorial qui rend hommage à toutes les victimes du 11 septembre 2001.

2) On y trouve deux énormes chutes d'eau, à l'emplacement exacte des tours jumelles.  

3) Le musée et le mémorial se situe sur le site du World Trade Center, où a eu lieu l'attentat du 11 septembre.

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