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urgeeent bonjour je dois ecrire un texte en anglais sur les attaques terroristes du 11 septembre avec le vocabulaire suivants:
To collapse /come down / fall down: s'effondrer

To sway: se balancer

To honor/pay tribute: honorer/rendre hommage

To crash (into): s'écraser

To hijack: pirater

To evacuate: évacuer

To bury: enterrer

To symbolize: symboliser

To commemorate: commémorer

Tragedy: tragédie

Skyline: ligne d'horizon

Storey (GB)/story (US): étage

Rubble: décombres, gravats

Debris: débris

Plume of smoke: nuage de fumée

Skyscraper: gratte-ciel


Sorrow: peine

Casualties: victimes

Mourning: deuil

Memorial: memorial

Artefacts: objets
merci davance

Sagot :

Explication :

September 11 2001 attacks

On September 11, 2001, four Islamist suicide bombes perpetrated on the same day in the United States and caused the death of 2,977 people, in the center of Manhattan in New York.

the attacks were send by Al-Qaida, the first one was send at 8:46 in Lower Manhattan. Seventeen minuets after the first plane, the second one hit the World Trade Center. The third one at 9:37 and the last one at 10:03.

The skylines that got hit couldn't sway so after one hour they collapse (fall down ).

People tried to evacuate from where the planes got hit, but most of then died, or got hurt.

The sky was full of plume smoke, the were lots of victims, that day will never be erased from peoples mind, it was a tragedy...

voilà, I'll let you to complete the rest, Je vous laisse compléter le reste