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Bonjours, Voici une biographie enanglais sur arthur Conan Doyle, je suis bilingue donc elle est assez bien ecrite.

Arthur Conan Doyle

Athur Conan Doyle was born on may 22, 1859 in Edinburgh. His father was a famous artist and his mother was passionate about books. They both wanted him to have an artist career but he still started studying medicine at the age of 17.
His knowledge about medicine helped him a lot for his novels like "A Study in Scarlet" , the first novel out of four and the 56 short stories about Holmes and Dr. Watson. He wrote it in three weeks, so he was a quick writer. It was accepted for publication in a famous publishing house and a year later he started receiving good reviews in The Scotsman and The Glasgow Herald.
In 1880 he went in the Arctic as a health officer but also in South Africa. He also served in the British army during the second war of Boer. This adventure inspired his patriotic novel "The Great Boer War". He was actually really good at sports, he even had a sporting career: he played football, cricket, golf and was even a judge at a bodybuilding competition.
While he was in University he met future writers like James Barrie ( peter pan ) or Robert Louis Stevenson (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde). But the man who inspired him the most was a professor, Dr. Joseph Bell, a master of observation, logic, deduction and diagnostic, a man who looks a lot like Sherlock Holmes, the most famous character Arthur Conan Doyle ever invited. In 1892, in a letter to Bell, Doyle wrote, "It is most certainly to you that I owe Sherlock Holmes... round the sense of deduction and inference and observation which I have heard you inculcate I have tried to build up a man". This character made his first appearance in "A Study In Scarlet". He then published Sherlock Holmes's investigation in papers and it was immediately a success.
He later realizes that his true passion was to write historical books but his audience wanted more of Sherlock Holmes. So in a book called "The Final Problem", he vanishes with the professor Moriarty. The audience was furious and due to financial problems he wrote another novel about him.
His works include fantasy and science fiction stories but also humorous stories, as well as plays, romances, poetry, non-fiction, and historical novels
Arthur Conan Doyle investigated personally on two cases and made the two condemned liberated. The second one was a German Jewish and even after his death, Arthur Conan Doyle asked to reexamine the case and wrote an article about all the incoherences in the case.
He actually had a very peculiar relation with the paranormal. When he was younger he was always told about agnosticism but when he grew up he started being interested in spiritualism. He even wrote multiple books about the possibility to live after death and to communicate with others from beyond.
All his life he saw the person he cherished the most die, his first wife, his son, his brothers. All those deaths gave him a pretty bad depression. He found comfort in spiritualism and all the theories linked to it. The thrill of researchers helped him have faith again and when he finally found peace, he passed away abruptly of a heart attack in 1930.

Sagot :


Bien joué, cette biographie n'a pas de fautes et je la trouve parfaite

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