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S’il vous c important Merci d’avance

Sil Vous C Important Merci Davance class=

Sagot :


Réponse :

-What is new in N-Y ? (Qu'est ce qui est nouveau à N-Y?)

New York is changed. People are now saying hello, kids are playing everywhere, people are smiling, gardens are being created...

-What is the cause of this change?

After living with Mayor Giuliani, after witnessing the terrotist attacks on 9/11, New Yorkers decided to change the city.

-What has disappeared?

The edginess of New York and the eastern European Lower East Side are disappeared.

The flea markets, the diverse street culture and the quirky independent diners are also gone.

-What parts are more and more attractive?

What's attractive is how safe and diversified is New York. This is now an emerging neighbourhood of artists, creative restaurateurs and cultural activity. It's also a relatively

affordable place to live.

-Look at the Graph: any conclusions?

La photo n'est pas très claire, je ne peux pas voir les dates. Tu peux répondre à cette question en pointant l'année où il y a eu le plus de meurtres (l'année où le pique est le plus haut), puis en disant qu'au fil des années, le nombre de meurtres a beaucoup baissé:

We can see that in (année où le pique est le plus haut) they were (nombres de meurtes) by year. But then, from (l'année où le pique commence a baissé), the murders definitely decreased. We can conclude by saying that New York really changed and is now a safer place.

J'espère que ça t'aidera :)