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Bonjour pouvez vous m'aidez s'il vous plaît ?

Underline and correct the mistakes in these sentences.

-1 After school, we are usually getting home at five o'clock.
-2 Be quiet! I listen to the news.
-3 Everyone in my family is hating cold weather.
-4 Ben is having a brother and a sister. -5 Jon has a shower at the moment. -6 Am I speaking too quickly? Do you understanding me?

Merci d'avance ! <3​

Sagot :


-1 After school, we are usually getting home at five o'clock.

-2 Be quiet! I listen to the news.

-3 Everyone in my family is hating cold weather.

-4 Ben is having a brother and a sister.

-5 Jon has a shower at the moment.

-6 Am I speaking too quickly? Do you understanding me?

-1 After school, we are usually gett home at five o'clock.

-2 Be quiet! I listen the news.

-3 Everyone in my family hate cold weather.

-4 Ben have a brother and a sister.

-5 je ne sais pas déso

-6 Am I speaking too quickly? Do you understand me?

Je ne suis pas sur de tout, mais j'espère avoir pu t'aider <3​

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