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Sagot :
Bonjour !
Voici les modifications que j'apporterais (soulignées) :
Dear classmates,
Since always women suffer from inequalities and this in all countries. They have been struggling for centuries to be free and equal to men. They want to have the same rights as a man, they want to be treated with respect, they want to be accepted in this society full of clichés. This fight has always existed and will continue to exist, as long as women do not obtain this gender equality. But despite this fight, this world is not getting better and remains unequal. That's why today I want to put an end to it, I want our world to improve, I want us all to be equal. I'm tired of hearing all the cries, all the complaints of this world without justice, as soon as we speak about women.
Today, a woman can't dress the way she wants because she can be called a bitch, she can't go out at any time because she can be assaulted, she doesn't even get the same salary as a man. Some of them can't even go to school just because they are women. Others are persecuted, sometimes even beaten and killed by their husband, forced to submit, but why, why do they have to go through all this? For the simple fact that they are women.
Put yourself down for thirty seconds and tell me: do you think it is normal? For you it is normal to be deprived of freedom, of right, of equality because we are not men? Because I don't think so and if someone dares to tell me otherwise, I'll strangle them. (parce que ça peut aussi venir d'une femme, pas forcément d'un homme, même si c'est plus rare)
I can work like a man, go to school like a man, have rights like a man, then I am his equal, simply. But then why can't a girl get respect? Why is her freedom stolen from her all the time, why does she have to suffer for being a woman?
I find it horrible that in 2021 (twenty twenty one) we still haven't changed! seriously.
So yes, the fight against gender inequality has always existed, but today it is an emergency, and that is why I am asking you today to fight in your turn, and all of you!
Sometimes simple things can change the world,
Feminism is fighting for women's rights and abolishing gender inequality
if you see a girl being touched by a pervert in the transport or being followed at night, intervene instead of filming. If you see a man doing mansplaining, slap him, it's an attitude of domination where the man explains to a woman what she already knows, assuming that he has knowledge and that she is ignorant.
and if you have children in the future, educate them well! Teach them to respect and protect (une femme n’a pas besoin d’être protégée donc enlever le protect) women. Teach all your relatives about feminism. Fight for this cause, act against all its stereotypes. Together, I am sure that the world will change, we are young, it is up to us to write the future so let's make the word a better place, stop the gender gap. I count on you and thank you for listening to me. (je trouve ça plus impactant de juste finir par stop de gender gap)
Voilà bonne journée à toi :)
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