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Underline all the verbs in the preterit simple. And, then write the infinitive
of these verbs:

a• After the war, some of these people came to Britain where there were lots of
different jobs to do. Other people just wanted to see Britain.
b• They got on a ship - the Empire Windrush - which left the Caribbean to travel
thousands of miles across the Atlantic.
c.Some companies (entreprises) said they didn't want black people to work for them.
Later many of their children were bullied at school because of the colour of their skins.

Sagot :


Réponse :

a. After the war, some of these people came to Britain where there were lots of different jobs to do. Other people just wanted to see Britain.

b. They got on a ship - the Empire Windrush - which left the Caribbean to travel thousands of miles across the Atlantic.

c. Some companies (entreprises) said they didn't want black people to work for them.

d. Later many of their children were bullied at school because of the colour of their skins.

Explications :

came = come (aller)

were = be (être)

wanted = want (vouloir)

got = get (avoir)

left = leave (partir)

said = say (dire)

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